【广州】《Love Love! Sunshine!!》将于广州CICF举办Aqours名片手递会!!


【广州CICF EXPO 2016概要】

活动期间:2016年10月1日(六)- 10月5日(三)




【Love Live! Sunshine!!名片手递会in广州CICF】

活动地点:Love Live! Sunshine!!官方展位(A05)






于CICF EXPO期间(10/1(六)09:00~起)在Love Live! Sunshine!!官方展位(A05) or 天闻角川展位(B03)购买「Love Live!」&「Love Live! Sunshine!!」相关商品,单笔消费满250RMB(含)即可凭收据兑换『Love Live! Sunshine!!名片手递会』号码牌一张。











[Report]Aqours from Love Live! Sunshine!! Appears at Anime Festival Asia Thailand 2016!


Aqours from Love Live! Sunshine!! Appears at Anime Festival Asia Thailand 2016!


Two Aqours members, Kanako Takatsuki (as Hanamaru Kunikida) and Ai Furihata (as Ruby Kurosawa), were the two attendees at the “Love Live! Sunshine!! Aqours Special Talk Stage” event held on Saturday, August 20 at Anime Festival Asia Thailand in Bangkok.

The two actresses looked amazed at the size of the audience waiting to see them as the emcee brought them onstage. After giving their respective members’ intro dialogue in Thai, they both greeted the crowd--Ruby’s trademark “ganba-Ruby” was turned into “suu suu Ruby” in the local language, busting the excitement of the crowd. For this stage show, the “One, two... Sunshine!!” that traditionally kicks off Aqours events was also transformed by the audience into “Neung, saung... Sunshine!!” to begin Aqours’ first event in Thailand.

Takatsuki and Furihata started by discussing with the Thai audience what Love Live! Sunshine!! is all about. This was Takatsuki’s second trip to the country—“I visited Wat Pho yesterday,” she said with a smile, “and given that Hanamaru comes from a family of temple-keepers, I was so happy to check it out.” The topic then turned to the show’s setting in Numazu (“a really great place,” both of them said), with the duo discussing the Love Live! Sunshine!! special summer-break event held earlier this summer and showing photos of the group dancing and showing off their summer-kimono wear.

With the anime series airing in Thailand simultaneously with the Japanese version, the pair was asked about which scene in the seven episodes broadcast so far left the deepest impression on them. Both of them brought up the part at the end of Episode 4, “Two Girls’ Feelings”, where Ruby tells Hanamaru that she wants to become a school idol. The audience cheered with delight when the video was played on the screen. As for the cutest scene for each member, Takatsuki replied it was the glimpses of Hanamaru’s youth seen in Episode 4 and elsewhere, while Furihata picked the part in Episode 6 where Ruby busts out her “ganba-Ruby” catchphrase for the first time, leading to another volley of “suu suu Ruby” from her for the local audience.


After that, it was time to give away some presents! Five lucky attendees won posters featuring signatures from all nine Aqours members, working the audience into a frenzy before everything wrapped up with a final goodbye and a professed desire to get the entire group together for a trip to Thailand next time.

[China] Aqours members will appear at CICF EXPO!


[News for Guangzhou, China] Aqours members will appear at “China International Comics Festival Expo (CICF EXPO)”!

[Guests] Dia Kurosawa (voiced by Arisa Komiya) / You Watanabe (voiced by Shuka Saito) / Yoshiko Tsushima (voiced by Aina Suzuki)

[Date] October 3 (Mon.), 2016

*Will announce details later.

In addition to some exhibition of the shows, there will be both "Love Live!" and "Love Live! Sunshine!!" official goods sales at the booth jointly run by My-Cartoon and BANDAI VISUAL.

Official convention exclusive items “Uranohoshi Girls’ High School Store International” will be purchased there!

You can find “Love Live!” related official products and imported items from Japan at KADOKAWA booth, too.

Moreover, Shanda Games’ s booth is planning to show the “Love Live! School Idol Festival”. 


■Event Overview

[Event] China International Comics Festival Expo (CICF EXPO)
[Venue] Poly World Trade Center Exhibition Hall, Guangzhou, China
[Period] October 1 (Sat.) - 5(Wed.)
[Official Website]



[中国新聞]Aqours将参加在中国广州举办的「中国国际漫画节动漫游戏展(CICF EXPO)!」

[演出者]饰演黑泽黛雅 小宫有纱/饰演渡辺曜 齐藤朱夏/饰演津岛善子 小林爱香



My-Cartoon及BANDAI VISUAL将共同营运Love Live! Sunshine!!专区,现场除了展示区外还将贩卖”Love Live!” & ”Love Live! Sunshine!!” 的官方商品!


天闻角川的展区也会有”Love Live!” 相关的官方授权正版图书和日版商品喔!

另外, 盛大游戏展区将会有「Love Live!学园偶像祭」的展示



活动名称: 中国国际漫画节动漫游戏展(CICF EXPO 2016)
活动地点: 广州琶洲保利世贸博览馆
活动期间: 2016年10月1日(六) ~ 5日(三)

[Korea/Hong Kong/Taiwan]Live-broadcasting information for “Love Live! Sunshine!! Screening & Talk Show Event”!! (Part 3)



TV 인기 애니메이션 <러 브라이브! 선 샤인!!>의 최신화를 일본 TV방 송과 동 시에 실 시간으로 상 영합니다! 최 신화 상 영과 함 께 다 시보기 상 영, 캐스트 토크를 CGV단 독으로 생 중계합니다.

제 목: <러브라이브! 선 샤인!! 모 두와 함 께 상 영회!>

내 용: <러브라이브! 선 샤인!!>TV 시리즈 다시보기

최 신화 상 영(10화~13화) + 캐 스트 토 크쇼

판매 시작일: 9월12일(월)

시 간: 9월24일(토) 20:30~(예정)

일 본 현 장 장 소: 신주쿠 피카데리 극장

티 켓:3만원



The latest episode of the TV anime “Love Live! Sunshine!!” and episodes so far along with the cast talk session will be live-broadcasted at CGV exclusively.

“Love Live! Sunshine!!” Screening & Talk Show Event (Part 3)

 (Episodes 10-13 & cast talk session)

Advance Sales Date: September 12nd (Mon)

Show Date & Time: August 24th (Sat) 8:30pm

Ticket: 30,000KRW



<Hong Kong>

the sky 直播《Love Live! Sunshine!! Screening & Talk Show Event》第三彈

《Love Live! Sunshine!! Screening & Talk Show Event》直播詳情:
預售日期及時間:2016年9月5日 (一) 上午11時正
直播日期及時間:2016年9月24日 (六) 晚上7時30分
直播地點︰the sky (奧海城)

記得下星期一準時上 / 經「嘉禾訂票快線」app / 親臨 the sky 票房 [票房購票每人每次交易限買四張]撲飛啦!

“Love Live! Sunshine!!” Screening & Talk Show Event “Part 3” ticketing details announcement!

 Advance Sales Date & Time: 5 September (Mon) 11:00am
Show Date & Time: 24 September (Sat) 7:30pm
Venue: the sky (Olympian City)
Ticket Price: HK$330
Language: Japanese (without subtitles)

Don’t forget to visit; or Mobile App “GH Cinemas Mobile Ticketing” or the sky Box Office (Customer can purchase 4 tickets per transaction per person via Box Office) for ticket next Monday!



人氣動畫Love Live推出新單元「Love Live! Sunshine!!」,為了幫這次新單元打響名氣,本次將在電影院直播最新集數,並且在動畫播映後舉辦 聲優活動,讓大家見到新單元的聲優可愛配音員們。此次直播內容為十到十三集,千萬不要錯過喔。

 本次售票時間:09/07(三)12:00起,於 台北信義威秀開賣。同時也會開放官網與手機APP平台。直播時間為09/24(六) 19:30起。 地點只在台北信義威秀影城,票價:1000元。


每 人每場限購4張。

全 部劃位,售完為止。

購票通路:影城現場/威 秀影城官方網站/威秀FUN電 影APP

現 場衛星直播有可能因天氣影響造成收訊品質下降,若因不可抗力因素中止直播,敬請見諒。

消 費者因個人因素需要退換票時,可於演出時間7日前持原票券親至原購買影城辦理,票 款將全數退回,威秀不收取任何手續費。

如為威秀因素或是天候因素無法如常直播需要 退票時,則參照一般電影票退換票處理,影城將開放顧客於7日內可憑原票券至櫃台辦 理退換票,威秀將會退全額票款。


In conjunction with the TV animation “Love Live! Sunshine!!” the real-time screening of the latest and previous episodes and the cast’s talk show event is held three months in a row in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan. Also the live viewing of this event was decided!

“Love Live! Sunshine!!” Screening & Talk Show Event (Part 3)

(Episodes 10-13 & cast talk session)

Show Date & Time: 24 September (Sat) 7:30pm

Tickets of “Love Live! Sunshine!! Screening & Talk s Show Event” live viewing will be sold at 12:00 on 9/7(Wed) in VieShow Cinemas Taipei Hsinyi and Official web-site/APP. Please be noted that Ticket Fare is 1000 NT. The admission time is 19:00 on 9/24 (Sat). For your convenience, VieShow Cinema Taipei Hsinyi serves all ticket issue such as unpredictable problem or weather. For your personal problem, we’ll kindly asking you to refund 7 days before the show.

[Australia]Announcing Madman Anime Festival


The brand new School Idol project “Love Live! Sunshine!!”’s goods are available at Madman Anime Festival! Grab a picture with life-sized standees of the members of Aqours! In the special “Love Live! Sunshine!!” display.


View the first two episodes of the series and cheer on with other fans in a viewing event.


That’s not all, though: the Uranohoshi Girls’ High School Store International will also be making an appearance at the event! Located inside the Madman Entertainment booth, you will be able to purchase “Love Live! Sunshine!!” member goods only available at this special store. There will also be a selection of Aqours CDs available as well! Stay tuned for even more “Love Live! Sunshine!!” activities at the event.

And Love Live! related goods are also available at Bushiroad/OzAnimart booth!


Event: Madman Anime Festival

Term: September 3rd & 4th 2016

City: Melbourne, Australia

Venue: Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre