“Love Live! Sunshine!!” The worldwide poster girl general election announcement.


To meet the expectations of the fans around the world, Aqours will now take a leap outside of Japan to fly all over the world!

So first, let's decide a poster girl for each region of the world, who will act as an ambassador to promote the show. Who among the nine members of Aqours becomes each region's ambassador is completely up to your votes! Once the results are in, a new illustration will be drawn for each poster girl in connection with their related region. So let's vote!













■Voting Period

November 18th (Fri), 2016 11:00am - December 18th (Sun), 2016 11:59pm


Click here for more information

[Report]Aqours members Appeared at CICF EXPO in China


The cast of Aqours, the school idol group which stars in the TV anime Love Live! Sunshine!! that debuted worldwide in July, took the stage recently at the China International Comics Festival (CICF), which attracted 225,000 visitors to the city of Guangzhou in early October. The group took the chance to look back at their past activities and discuss the now-concluded anime series.


The special event featured thee of Aqours members Arisa Komiya, who plays Dia Kurosawa; Shuka Saito, who plays You Watanabe; and Aika Kobayashi, who plays Yoshiko Tsushima.


The event began with an anime music video for “Aozora Jumping Heart,” the show’s opening tune. The crowd kept up with the action, shouting out all the Japanese-language audience calls and showing just how passionate the local fans really were. The cast was greeted with thunderous applause as they came on stage and introduced themselves with trademark lines of the members they play. The Chinese-language greetings that came from them next made the crowd erupt into cheering once again, and when they taught the crowd how to do the Japanese responses to onstage shout-outs during performances, they were amazed by how well the crowd answered the call so perfectly that almost no practice was needed. “Yi, er, Sunshine!!” the crowd went, bringing the “1, 2, Sunshine” slogan to the Chinese language in style.



When asked about Guangzhou during the opening segment, Saito revealed her love for the buttery melon bread she ate the previous day, something she’d be overjoyed to try again. Kobayashi discussed the shrimp dumplings she also had the other day, while Komiya revealed that she got to try pigeon for the first time.



The proceedings began in earnest with the Aqours group looking back at the anime series, which just broadcast its 13th episode a little bit ago. When asked about their favorite anime moments, Komiya and Saito brought up the concert scene in Episode 9, “Mijuku Dreamer,” while Saito mentioned the scene where all Aqours members stood in a circle oceanside in Episode 12, “It’s Time to Fly”—both choices earning agreement from the audience.


The cast were then asked about the cutest scene featuring the members they played in the anime. Komiya replied with the scene where Dia went nuts in the beach house during Episode 10, “We’ve got Stewshine!”; Saito brought up You’s flight of fantasy on the balcony in Episode 11, “Aye aye, My Friend!”; and Kobayashi mentioned the scene toward the end in Episode 8, “Isn’t It Frustrating?”, when Yoshiko trips and falls into the sea while Chika lets out all her pent-up frustrations. This was accompanied by the scenes in question playing on the video screen, making the reasoning behind the guests’ choices crystal-clear to the crowd.


Next up, the team tried their hand at the Love Live! School Idol Festival mobile game, popular not just in Guangzhou but all over the world. The game passed the 30-million-user mark a bit ago, and the crowd cheered the team on as they attempted and completed in style “Aozora Jumping Heart,” the opening theme from the TV show.



The final segment of the event was a drawing quiz contest, featuring everything from a panda to the emblem of Uranohoshi Girls’ High, the school all the Aqours members attend. The Aqours trio had trouble drawing all the details of some of the trickier topics, but after the audience voted for their favorite with their applause, Kobayashi emerged the victor. The grand prize: A stuffed panda bear.




After giving away a poster featuring autographs from the Aqours cast, the trio waved their final goodbyes to the crowd, promising to return to China—and bring the entire Aqours group next time, too. The hour-long event wrapped up with the fans singing along to the non-lyrical version of “Yume Kataruyori Yume Utaou,” the anime’s closing theme, ensuring that things ended on a high-energy note.





今年7月起在全世界同步播放,并且倍受关注的动画片《Love Live! Sunshine!!》中的学园偶像组合Aqours成员们来到中国广州的CICF EXPO(参观人次约22万5千人)活动中,在舞台上进行了特别演出,其中还包括了回顾目前为止的活动及动画相关内容的谈话环节等精彩内容。




活动刚开始,动画片头曲《青空Jumping Heart》的动画视频宣告拉开了帷幕。现场就像在日本一样,粉丝们随着歌曲节拍打call,一开场就非常直观地感受到了当地粉丝的热情。而成员们也在现场的热烈欢呼中登场,并表演了各自饰演成员的经典对白,尤其在用中文做自我介绍时更是获得雷鸣般的好评。












接下来的环节,就是远在中国广州也相当受欢迎,而且前不久刚宣布全球用户数突破了3000万的《Love Live!学园偶像祭》手游的体验环节。现场挑战歌曲正是动画片片头曲[青空Jumping Heart]。成员们顺利完成了演奏挑战,响应了观众热烈的欢呼。











[Japan] [7-Eleven x Love Live! Sunshine!!] Results are in for the Image Girl Poll


 [Japan News][7-Eleven x Love Live! Sunshine!!] Results are in for the Image Girl Poll

The first place spot goes to Riko Sakurauchi! She pulled ahead from second place during the mid-term rankings! Thank you all for voting!

In celebration of these results a commemorative smartphone wallpaper image will be distributed from 7SPOT in all participating 7-Eleven stores. It will only be available for one week (until October 12th @23:59) so be sure to get out to your nearest participating 7-Eleven.


Stay updated on all information about the specially drawn illustrations and figures from Alter!

Visit the Special Feature Site for more information.


 [日本新聞]【Seven-Eleven × Love Live! Sunshine!!】代言女孩票選公布投票結果



為了紀念此次代言女孩活動票選,會在Seven-Eleven店內的7 Spot提供智慧型手機專用紀念桌布。是為期一週(~10月12日23:59為止)的限定活動,可至您周邊有設置7 Spot的店面下載,請大家踴躍前往回﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽。





[일본 뉴스]【세븐일레븐×러브 라이브! 선샤인!!】 이미지걸 결정을 위한 투표 결과 발표 안내

1위는 중간 발표 2위에서 대역전한 사쿠라우치 리코로 결정되었습니다! 투표해 주신 여러분, 감사합니다!!

이미지걸 결정을 기념하여 스마트폰 바탕화면이 세븐일레븐 매장 내 세븐 스폿에서 서비스됩니다. 1주일 한정(~10월 12일 23:59까지)으로 실시되오니 세븐 스폿이 설치되어 있는 근처 매장에 꼭 들러 주시기 바랍니다.


오리지널 일러스트&알타를 이용한 피규어화 관련 정보를 수시로 업데이트해 드립니다!

자세한 내용은 특집 페이지를 참조해 주시기 바랍니다.

Aqours 2nd Center Position Poll Mid-Term Ranking


Aqours 2nd Center Position Poll  Mid-Term Ranking 

The center position for Aqours announced 3rd single release will be decided by your votes in the "2nd Center Position Poll," and we have the current mid-term results!

Aqours第2回Center位置總選舉  中途結果發表


Aqours 제2회 센터 포지션 총선거 중간 발표

발매 결정된 Aqours 세 번째 싱글 앨범의 센터 포지션을 여러분의 투표를 통해 결정하는 ‘제2회 센터 포지션 총선거’. 그 중간 순위를 발표하겠습니다!

[Japan]DENGEKI G's Magazine November Issue Featuring the 3rd Year Aqours Members on Sale September 30th! Check Full of Excitement for the Polls!


[Japan News]DENGEKI G's Magazine November Issue Featuring the 3rd Year Aqours Members on Sale September 30th! Check Full of Excitement for the Polls!


The cover for the November issue of DENGEKI G's Magazine out on September 30th features the 3rd year members of Aqours: Kanan, Dia, and Mari! It also includes a B2 sized poster and a Love Live! School Idol Collection PR card for Mari Ohara!

The third of three interviews of the cast of Aqours will also be featured in this issue, covering the 3rd year cast (Nanaka Suwa: voice of Kanan, Arisa Komiya: voice of Dia, Aina Suzuki: voice of Mari)!

 This month's issue also features the 2nd Center Position Poll! It's full of messages from the Aqours members about their enthusiasm for it. Be sure to check out their messages this month's issue and be sure to cast your vote!

*Please note that the included B1 poster is not the same as the cover image.


Check DENGEKI G's for more details.




9月30日發售的電擊G's雜誌11月號封面公開!Aqours3年級生成員・果南、黛雅以及鞠莉3人將登上封面喔♪ 附錄則有B2海報,以及『Love Live! School idol collection』小原鞠莉的PR小卡!


並且,目前正舉行第2回Center位置總選舉! Aqours成員們也送來了對總選舉充滿熱血幹勁的留言。確認本雜誌中成員們的留言後,務必參加投票喔♪



詳情請至電撃G's magazine.com確認。


[일본 뉴스]3학년 멤버가 표지를 장식하는 DENGEKI G's magazine 11월호가 9월 30일 발매! Aqours 총선거에 임하는 각오도 들을 수 있습니다♪


9월 30일 발매되는 DENGEKI G's magazine 11월호 표지 공개! Aqours 3학년 멤버인 카난, 다이아, 마리 3명이 등장합니다♪ 부록으로는 B2 포스터와 『Love Live! School idol collection』 PR 카드 중 오하라 마리 카드가 제공됩니다!

특집에서는 Aqours 멤버들의 3호 연속 인터뷰 제3탄이 게재됩니다. 3학년 멤버 3명(카난 역의 Nanaka Suwa, 다이아 역의 Arisa Komiya, 마리 역의 Aina Suzuki)의 인터뷰를 기대해 주세요♪

또한, 이번 달은 제2회 센터 포지션 총선거가 개최 중입니다! 총선거에 임하는 Aqours 멤버들의 각오가 담긴 메시지가 도착해 있으니 본지에서 메시지 내용을 확인하신 후 투표에 참가해 주시기 바랍니다♪


자세한 내용은 DENGEKI G's magazine.com를 확인해 주세요.